torsdag 31 mars 2011

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner

The faction leader project continues, now with Sylvanas.

Man, that bow of hers was a pain in the *beep*! Before I got screenshots as references of it I draw an ordinary bow and was really satisfied with her hands (which rarely happens), only to notice later on that it's quite the advanced structure with a giant cover hiding the hands. Bah! *Picks the rubber*

3 kommentarer:

  1. It's so byoo-tee-full! @.@
    I wish I had your talent. :)

  2. Awesome, I really like the way you draw capes and loose clothes, it looks cool with that 'torn' look. Looking forward to the others, still of course. Cheers to you making Sylvanas and her "pain-in-the-ass-bow"! ^^

  3. Brandi: Thanks a lot ^^ I'm glad you liked it :)

    Archont: Very fun with your pun! (Noticed how I rhymed there?)Baine... Cairne'd be so much more fun, but that's kinda impossible :(

    Chess: Cool that you like the clothing - I always find that to be the hardest thing to do. Thanks! :)
